Welcome to the official website of the Putnam County Prosecuting Attorney.

Using this site, you can find out about the various divisions of the Prosecutor’s Office and information regarding programs and services provided by each division. 

The Putnam County Prosecutor’s Child Support Division is responsible for the enforcement and collection of court orders for child support issued by… (click for more)

If you would like to establish paternity and set up child support on a child and do not wish to go through the Title IV-D Office you may do so through…. (click for more)

The Pre-Trial Diversion Program is a program offered to people who have had little or no criminal background and who are charged with…. (click for more)

Recent Cases

The following Case Information pages are for general informational purposes only and are not to be relied upon as legal advice….. (click for more)

Traffic Tickets

Do you have questions about your traffic ticket? Visit this page to learn more…. (click for more)

Victim's Assistance

The Putnam County Prosecutor’s office provides many resources for victims who require assistance. Visit this page to learn more…. (click for more)

Meet the Staff


Austin Malayer


Chief Deputy

Alyssa Borchak


Deputy Prosecutor

D. Edward Felling II



Kari Plessinger


Putnam County Prosecutor’s Office

4th Floor, Courthouse

Greencastle IN


765-653-2724 (office)

765-653-5526 (fax)

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